Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ignore Password Expiration when authenticating with SSO

One of the most annoying things about having multiple systems within an SAP environment is the fact that people have to remember passwords for every component system within the landscape.
SSO resolves this problem, for the most part, but there's still that annoying little fact that initial passwords must be changed at first login, and passwords may be set to expire every so often.

Well, you're options for avoiding these problems are as follows:
1. Deactivate passwords
2. Have the component systems ignore expired passwords when utilizing SSO

Option 1 is great, if your users will never need to enter a userID and password. This puts the entire authentication burden on some other application (like Active Directory).  But this is not necessarily the right solution for all clients.

Option 2 is what I choose, primarily.  In order to do this, you need to set profile parameters in all ABAP and Java systems in your landscape.

For the ABAP systems set the following profile parameter:


This profile parameter determines precisely how the system will react in the situation in which a user accesses the system through SSO and their password is expired (or initial).  Here are the values:

0 = Ignore password change request, and allow access
1 = Present a pop-up window with options 2 and 3 below
2 = Require the password be changed, including old password and new password
3 = Deactivate the password

This is a dynamically switchable parameter and can be turned on in RZ11 without the need for a restart, though you will have to modify the profile to make the change permanent.

For the Java systems, open Visual Administrator, and under the UME Provider service, set the following parameter to False:

This is not dynamically switchable and will require the cluster to be restarted.
Now both your ABAP and Java systems will ignore expired passwords.
Hope this helps…