Tuesday, December 18, 2012

ConfigTool Will Not Start: System Cannot Find the Specified Path...

I ran into an issue recently that has me a little puzzled. Although I have the solution, I have yet to determine the root cause.  This morning I had a problem restarting an SAP Java system, and the errors contained in the logs seemed to be pointing to missing elements in the binary files. This would cause the Java Server process to fail when it attempted to synchronize the binaries (one of the first steps in starting the system).
So I tried to open the ConfigTool, and it immediately came back with the error:

System cannot find the specified path

So being the good little Basis boy I am, I opened up the ConfigTool.bat file to see what path it was looking for. Lo and behold, the batch file was simply looking for the contents of Java_Home (environment variable).
So I opened up the location only to discover that someone, or something, has gutted the Java folder. All that was left was the JRE subfolder.
Then I remembered this has happened before. About 7 or 8 months ago the same thing had happened.

The fix is quite simple, just reinstall Java in the same path.  The system will come back up just fine.

Now I just need to figure out who, or what, has been deleting OS-level files. That is not good.

Hope this helps...