Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Single Sign-On within Citrix Metaframe...

I ran into a little bit of an issue today while trying to configure single sign-on (SSO) in an environment in which the SAPGui is used through Citrix Metaframe (CM). It was working fine from the server-side as well as from desktops with the SAPGui installed locally. However, through the CM I kept getting the following error while trying to utilize SSO:

--- Unable to load the GSS-API DLL named 'sncgss32.dll' ---

To make a long story short, sncgss32.dll is the default library used when one has not been specified via an environment variable (EV) in Windows. When SAPSSO.msi is executed, it creates a User EV tied to the user performing the install. In the CM environment, there is a different context for each user utilizing the application. So the fix was to create the System EV SNC_LIB and point it to the correct DLL in the system directory. This resolved the problem.

Hope this helps...