This comes from Guillermo Gomez, a colleague of mine:
During the process of Configuring the uPerform Server - after installing the Autonomy IDOL/DISH and the RWD Server - at the point of entering Company Name and Product Key, as soon as we click on SAVE we get the error message
Object Required Line 43 - Character 13
Since we are using 64 bit application the ASP.Net file needs to be forced to use 32 bit because RWD sometimes does not recognize the file during the installation process.
1. Ensure the uPerform Website points to use port 80 and the Collaboration Server to use port 8080. This can be verified or change by executing the AuthenticationWizard.exe file located in: <InstallPath>\Collaboration\WWW\uPerformWS\ms
-Click on Start – verify or change the information as needed and ensure the Server DNS Hostname does not have 8080 at the end.
2. Set the permissions to full rights for all users for the file RWD.uPerform.ServerConfiguration.DLL – located in: <InstallPath>\Collaboration\WWW\uPerformWS\
3. Delete the VCBS folders in
Re-Start IIS
Once is back up:
- Make sure Web Service Extensions is using ASP.NET v2.05727 (32-bit). Remove or prohibit any other ASP.NET.
- Make sure Jakarta Connector is set to allowed if not create a new connector to point to file <InstallPath>\Collaboration\JKConnect\bin\isapi_redirect-1.2.14.dll
- Make sure WebDAV is set to allowed
Inside the websites (iis) right click on uPerform Collaboration and click on properties. Display the tab ISAPI Filters and make sure Jakarta is there and in black font. Any other color (RED) indicates is not connected and you need to delete it from the web services extensions and then add it back in this section … same file location.
Re-Start IIS
Once is back up:
Re-register ASP.NET by executing this file from the command line:
C:\windows\\framework\aspnet_regiis.exe –iru
Once this is done… then do:
C:\windows\\framework\aspnet_regiis.exe –ir
Re-Start IIS
Ensure the website is back up … and continue with the configuration of the RWD uPerform Server.
Hope this helps...