Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Change Spool Servers in SAP afetr Refresh...

Here is a little query I have used for a while, but for some reason I had not yet posted it on my blog.
If you are like me, and you like to frequently perform a refresh from PRD to QAS, you may find yourself having to change spool servers in SPAD... a lot. It is a very simple task, but there are 5 steps you have to complete for each printer just to change the SAP spooler server. Yes it is a pain, especially if you have hundreds of printers defined in SAP.

Here is a quick query you can run from the database side in order to do this MUCH faster:

update qas.TSP03D
set PAMSSERVER='sapqas1_QAS_00'
where PAMSSERVER='sapprd1_PRD_00'

Of course you will need to make sure you are using the correct schema, SID, and server name, but as you can see it is a very simple query.

Hope this helps...